Wednesday, November 26, 2008

let's play tag like we were kids

Type only one word for each answer:
1. Where is your cell phone? hawaii
2. Your significant other? nonexistant
3. Your hair? short
4. Your mother? home
5. Your father? home
6. Your favorite thing? dunno
7. Your dream last night? PARTY
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? forgotten
10. The room you're in? mine
11. Your fear? none
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? dunno
13. Where were you last night? here
14. What you're not? married
15. Muffins/donuts? donuts
16. One of your wish list items? money
17. Where you grew up? everywhere
18. The last thing you did? eat
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pet? none
22. Your computer? laptop
23. Your life? dry
24. Your mood? impartial
25. Missing someone? nope
26. Favorite pastime? games
27. Something you're not wearing? hat
28. Favorite Store? walmart
29. Your summer? HOT
30. Your favorite color? green
31. When is the last time you laughed? ummmmmm
32. Last time you cried? dunno
33. Who will re-post this? dunno

34. Four places I go over and over? work, shower, dfac, bed
35. Four people who e-mail me? mom, david, dunno, dunno
36. Four of my favorite foods? mexican, itallion, german, mine
37. Four places I would like to be right now? massage, beach, tennessee, hawaii
38. Four people I tag? david, andrea, mom, evan

Let's play tag, pretend you're young again and play along

I feel so behind on my blogging! Sorry this has taken me awhile, Fran! Type only one word for each answer:1. Where is your cell phone? purse2. Your significant other? working3. Your hair? wavy4. Your mother? exhausted5. Your father? retired6. Your favorite thing? peace7. Your dream last night? sad8. Your favorite drink? h2o9. Your dream/goal? peace10. The room you're in? living11. Your fear? intruders12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home13. Where were you last night? inlaws14. What you're not? patient15. Muffins/donuts? donuts16. One of your wish list items? money17. Where you grew up? everywhere18. The last thing you did? eat19. What are you wearing? clothes20. Your TV? cartoons21. Your pet? none22. Your computer? fast!23. Your life? chaotic24. Your mood? overload25. Missing someone? yes26. Favorite pastime? reading27. Something you're not wearing? coat28. Favorite Store? walmart29. Your summer? HOT30. Your favorite color? blue31. When is the last time you laughed? today32. Last time you cried? today33. Who will re-post this? BeverlyFOUR THINGS34. Four places I go over and over? kids school, church, walmart, library35. Four people who e-mail me? cpom, mom, rosemary, alex36. Four of my favorite foods? mexican, salmon, pizza, shrimp37. Four places I would like to be right now? massage, chiropractor, sleeping, warm shower38. Four people I tag? Beverly, Lauren, Kelly B, Holly

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Some of you may have noticed that I take ALOT of pictures of the sun. there is a reason for that. You see, each sunset is unique in it's own way, no 2 are the same way. So with each one I take I take it with soemthing different in the picture. if you don't like it, deal with it cause I'm going to keep doing what I like to do.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Reflection Of The Light

The Light of the Sun is in many ways like the Light of God. There are many reflections of it, there are many immitations of it and there are many that don't want to be around it for it is too bright to thier eyes.
But there is only one real sun in our lives just as there is only one real God in our lives. He is all knowing and all loving. His brightness is overwhelming for those who have lived thier lives in the dark. But his Light can guide us to eternal happiness, to a world we can't even dream of. If we will but follow him, this can all be ours.

Reflections of the Light

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nature Calls

I've always found there to be a vast simplicity to the beauty of nature. Something nothing else on eath can touch. for in nature we find the beauty of Gods hand. A beauty that nobody can replicate. For although we can plant a seed and help it grow, it is God's hand that makes it grow and no part of it is the same as another.


Sam couldn't make up his mind on which side to shoot with, left or right. It's just like the way he was in bowling, any time he started to do good with one hand he would switch to the other.

You have to admire a girl that can shoot, there's something about it that's very impressive.

On this particular day we shot down a tree. Between her shots, mine, Sams, my moms and my dads we litterally shot down a tree. They found it very amusing because it wasn't till I was up near the tree that it decided to start falling. They thought I was too shocked to move because I was standing there looking at it as it began to fall. But in point of fact I was very aware of what was going on and what I should do, that's why I was standing there, I was waiting to see where it was going. Once I had figured that out I took one step to the right and watched it land right beside me.



you have to admire a girl that can shoot, there's somethin about it that's impressive.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fight For The Right

Alma 43:47 And again, the Lord has said that: Ye shall defend your families even unto the bloodshed . . .
You should always stand up for what you believe in and protect those you care about, no matter how difficult it may be.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lean on Me

Sooner or later everybody needs somebody to lean on, no mater how strong, no mater how smart, no matter what we all need someone to lean on.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Old vs New

Is newer always better? Is older always more beutiful? Why must there alway be an uncrossable line? Why must it always be one or the other? Why can't people learn to take the good from each side and try to make it better? Too often people get stuck in their own way of doing things and are unwilling to compromise. If people were just more open minded, if only we could learn from our mistakes, this world could be a better, more beautiful place.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Colors Of Change

Dispite the best efforts of scientist and philosiphers the world can not be explained or controled, it changes everyday, it fluxuates in it's daily habbits. The sky can go from blue to red to purple to orange and back again. The winds can go from a dead calm to a swirrling tornado. The land can can go from a empty plain to a thick forest. Thousands of years have passed and we're still finding out new things about this world and we probably will for thousands of years to come. But in this wonderful world of confusion there are marvels to be found in the worst of places, and people the world over to share it with

Rise Up

If you can bring yourself to rise above the garbage and chaos of this world then you can find the beauty in your surrondings,no matter where you are. From the hills of TN to the deserts of Iraq, from the depths of the sea to the clouds in the sky, there is beauty everywhere.