Sunday, September 2, 2007

Light part 2

Behold, He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. No man cometh unto the father but by him.

You can drive, fly, swim, sail or run as far and as much as you want but in the end if you are seaking Heaven you have to turn to him, for you will NOT find it on your own.


Andrea said...

Ok, out of the 3 new ones you have posted this is my favorite. It looks like a scene from a painting, or a shot captured in a movie. I am really impressed. Well I start taking photography classes next week so hopefully I will get some pointers so my photos can look more like yours.

Anonymous said...

Between your pictures and Andrea taking a photography class, it helped get me on the ball to register for a photography class, too. Maybe I can get better at taking pictures, also.